It's that time again . . . Nanowrimo 2014

It's officially November which means it is the first day of National Novel Writing Month (Well it is here in South Korea, you might have to wait a few hours if you live on the other side of the world).

I have written about this for the past two years. It's a time for you to challenge yourself to write that novel that you have been thinking about forever. All over the world people are committing themselves to the challenge of writing 50,000 words.

There are huge online communities in different areas that are set up to make the solitary life of writing a bit more social. They have write-ins at local cafes, word games both online and in meetup groups and many other activities aimed at socializing but also getting your word count up. 

If you have never heard of it before I would suggest you check out their website. It has all the information you need. You can find out if there is a writers group near you (there probably is) and get started.

If you have already signed up then I wish you the best of luck. I am doing Nanowrimo for the third time but last year I did not try very hard. I have not completed the goal yet of 50,000 words so maybe this will be my year.

“Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.”
